Allen Associates’ monitoring and control systems boost industry and research across the sub-continent.
Lands are surveyed, and buildings and mine shafts positioned, using Allen instrumentation.
Likewise, project times are being slashed in marine and freshwater hydrographic surveys.
In agriculture, benefits flow from merging traditional lore with scientific systems in meteorology, leaf transpiration, soil moisture and temperature.
Real-time data supports pest eradication and crop management. Irrigation surveys and laser land-leveling enhance the farm investment.
Allen Hydroprobe Courses guarantee compliance with Directorate of Radiation safety standards and the efficient use of our precious water supplies.
But, despite international models, sub-Saharan Africa lags behind nations embracing the benefits of aquaculture and whose yields from fish husbandry rival those from wild fishing.
But a later start carries the benefit of 20:20 hindsight and a local developer has augmented the international success stories with his own experience and plotted a course for emerging fish farmers which meets critical nutritional goals and will ensure profitability and long term employment.
We bring to Africa CIAC, the modular, industrial-quality, automated aquaculture and aquaponics system.
CIAC uniquely places decades of research and development within the reach of communities and entrepreneurs recognizing the rich economic and welfare potential of inland fish farming.
The term ‘aquaculture’ in its broadest sense refers to the method of breeding, rearing, and harvesting both fish and plants in a number of different aquatic agricultural environments such as ponds, rivers, lakes, and the ocean.
Aquaponics combines aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) into one integrated system.
The marriage of the systems allows plants to feed off the organic fish waste whilst the plants provide a natural filter for the water the fish live in.
The third participants are the nitrifying bacteria or microbes and the composting red worms that flourish in the integrated growing media.
Together they convert solids into vermicompost providing food for the plants and ammonia from the fish waste, first into nitrites, then into nitrates.
By combining both systems aquaponics capitalizes on the benefits of both aquaculture and hydroponics whilst removing drawbacks associated with each.
What comprises CIAC, the Charmel Irrigation & Agricultural Controller?
For more information please contact us.
Image credit: Aquaculture Innovations
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