Allen Associates News, Products and Specials

UAV Mapping – Drone Aerial Surveying

In a telling 2016 release Allen Associates has added UAV surveying systems and services to their product categories - a new dimension in more ways than one!

Formerly the preserve of the military, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs have come of age in terms of survey technology and codes of safe practice.

Engineering surveyors who embrace the concept bring bottom line benefits to their practices and clientele.

UAV aerial survey equipment South Africa  

Benefits of UAVs for Land Surveying


  • Overall cost and time effective solution for aerial photography and mapping needs.
  • Environmental friendliness versus traditional aircraft or helicopter photogrammetry.
  • Rapid small scale surveys with accuracies comparable to traditional methods.
  • Simpler creation of Geo-referenced Orthomosaics and Digital Elevation Models (DEM).
  • Flight planning software which manages all flying characteristics including flying height, speed and photo overlap, all fine-tuned to your job specification.
  • Automatic adjustments for wind and actual flight speed mean precisely triggered photos.
  • Videos of an area flown help visualise the topography.
  • The intelligent ground station monitors flight progress, ground and air speed, battery/fuel.
  • Geo-referenced images provide position and orientation for global Orthomosaic and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with or without ground control points.
  • Contours, Profiles, 3D Models, Cross-sections, Longitudinal Sections, CAD drawings, calculated volumes and areas are quickly generated from the acquired data.


UAV Legislation in South Africa

In 2015, South Africa passed regulations to control the use of UAVs or drones as they are known.

UAV pilots must have a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved remote pilot licence and a letter of approval from the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) valid for 12 months.

The aircraft may not be sold unless the seller formally notifies the buyer of the operational requirements imposed by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA).

Allen Associates – Aerial Survey South Africa

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