Allen Associates News, Products and Specials

Season's Greetings from Allen Associates

A Year-end port of call

As 2018 gets written into the logbook of history, hatches close on its good and bad. Meanwhile expectations anchored in the brand-new year ahead trim many a business sail.

With the ‘bad’ having had more journalistic drubbing than any other year in SA’s chequered history we’ll navigate around it for the moment and focus on the good.

So, a big thankyou to the players that made 2018 a record voyage for Allen Associates!

  • Our faithful and discerning customer base
  • A resourceful and conscientious supply chain
  • The dedicated and creative service and support staff at “No.236”, SA distributors, and far-flung manufacturers.

For 2019 Points and Pointers click here.

Again, our sincere thanks

Allen Associates

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