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Radiation Training Courses South Africa – Allen Associates

Allen Associates offers comprehensive radiation training courses for any person operating in radiation hazardous environments.

There are several operational functions which potentially expose anyone in these positions to hazardous radiation which can have serious health and safety implications.

Radiation Protection Training

Our radiation training courses focus on providing the necessary understanding of the various sources of ionizing radiation, their application and most importantly safe use and procedures should an incident occur.

We strive to provide training related directly to the attendee’s field of application and courses are designed to meet legal regulations and requirements related to radiation control in South Africa and SADC states.

These requirements include the administrative procedures and records needed to safely obtain, process, transport and dispose of radioactive material.

The courses will bear on the legal literature, typically:

  • The Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
  • Authority Annexures including proposed Condition 87 as to Group IV hazardous substances
  • Penalties under the Occupational Health and Safety and National Environmental Management Acts
  • Road Transportation Act requirements as to Class 7 dangerous goods
  • National Nuclear Regulator Act provisions as to naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)

Who Will Benefit from our Radiation Training Courses?

  • Radiation protection officers
  • Laser safety officers
  • Engineers with supervisory responsibility
  • Laboratory technicians and operatives
  • SHEQ (safety, health, environment, quality) officers and practitioners
  • Site radiation protection officers

Radiation Protection Course Entry Requirements

  • Solid background in physics and chemistry is advantageous
  • Fluency in the English language
  • Entry level familiarity with technical processes addressed in course material

Radiation Training Course Content

The course content follows the International Atomic Energy Agency guidelines which are applicable to South Africa with respect to radiation safety:

  • Safety and security of radioactive sources
  • RPO duties and responsibilities
  • Understanding radiation
  • Radiation and pregnancy
  • Action in emergencies
  • Storage requirements
  • Radiation incidents and worldviews
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • The biological effects of radiation
  • Radiation detection and instrumentation
  • Transportation requirements
  • South African legal regulations

The radionuclide properties applicable to the candidate’s work will be traversed and where possible demonstrated in classroom and/or field work.

Course Duration

This is an intensive course which takes place over one or two days and employs PowerPoint Slides and videos for easy instruction. Candidates are required to write and pass an assessment test with no less than 85% to obtain a proficiency certificate.

Candidates who failed to achieve 85% will receive a certificate of attendance and may qualify for a free supplementary session.

Benefits of our Radiation Training Courses

Candidates who receive a proficiency certificate, will be able to:

  • Provide safety induction for other personnel in safe radiation working practices and the dangers of over-exposure to radiation
  • Establish and maintain operational procedures so that the radiation exposure of workers is kept as far below the authorised limits as is achievable
  • Initiate an investigation of cases of excessive exposure to determine their cause and ensure that steps are taken to prevent re-occurrence
  • Determine whether dosimeters are required for personnel use and if so the records to be kept of the results of monitoring devices
  • Ensure adequate records are kept of all sources, the locations of these sources or the name of the person to whom they have been assigned
  • Ensure that periodic radiological surveys are carried out if needed, and the records of such surveys to be kept, including descriptions of corrective measures
  • Ensure all shields, containers and handling equipment are properly maintained
  • Ensure periodic leak tests on sealed sources are performed as prescribed

Allen Associates – Radiation Training Courses in South Africa

Allen Associates are suppliers of environmental measuring equipment, surveying instruments and nuclear density gauges. Rental equipment is available.

For more information about radiation training courses suitable to your needs, contact us

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